Install, remove, and other infrequently used actions are stored here to keep the main plugin file small.
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core

activation_error(string $message = '', integer $errno = E_USER_ERROR) : void
Displays any error on plugin activation
Name | Type | Description |
$message | string | |
$errno | integer | PHP error constant |
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core

default_controller_page_content() : string
The default page/post content for a Tina MVC front end controller page.
Used on plugin activation
Type | Description |
string | default page content |
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core

hpt_backup() : void
Backup files before plugin upgrade
Thanks to Clay Lua (http://hungred.com) for illustrating the technique
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core
- Uses
- \TINA_MVC\utils\hpt_copyr()

hpt_copyr(string $source, string $dest) : boolean
Generic copy utility
Thanks to Clay Lua (http://hungred.com) for illustrating the technique
Name | Type | Description |
$source | string | |
$dest | string |
Type | Description |
boolean | true |
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core

hpt_recover() : void
Recover files after plugin upgrade
Thanks to Clay Lua (http://hungred.com) for illustrating the technique
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core
- Uses
- \TINA_MVC\utils\hpt_copyr()

hpt_rmdirr(string $dirname) : bool
Delete a file, or a folder and its contents
Name | Type | Description |
$dirname | string | Directory to delete |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure |
- Author
- Aidan Lister
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- See
- \TINA_MVC\utils\http://putraworks.wordpress.com/2006/02/27/php-delete-a-file-or-a-folder-and-its-contents/
- Subpackage
- Core
- Version
- 1.0.2

plugin_activate(boolean $upgrading) : void
Set up or upgrade the plugin
Name | Type | Description |
$upgrading | boolean |
- Package
- Tina-MVC
- Subpackage
- Core

admin_page_form_helper_advanced() : void
Calls the form_helper_advanced controller for Tina MVC documentation

admin_page_form_helper_fields_and_validation() : void
Calls the form_helper_fields_and_validation controller for Tina MVC documentation

admin_page_form_helper_intro() : void
Calls the form_helper_intro controller for Tina MVC documentation

admin_page_helper_functions() : void
Calls the helper_functions controller for Tina MVC documentation

admin_page_table_and_pagination_helpers() : void
Calls the table_and_pagination_helpers controller for Tina MVC documentation