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General Tina MVC helper functions
Francis Crossen  


Constant  TINA_MVC_PRIMARY_APP_FOLDER = $primary_app_folder
Constant  TINA_MVC_SECONDARY_APP_FOLDER = $secondary_app_folder
Constant  TINA_MVC_MULTISITE_BLOG_NAME = $blog_name


functionapp_folder() : string

Find the path to the application folder

functionerror(string $msg = '', boolean $suppress_esc = FALSE) : void

A basic error handler

functionesc_html_recursive(mixed $data = FALSE) : mixed

Escape a data structure for rendering in a browser

functionfind_app_file(string $filename = '', string $tina_mvc_page = '', string $called_from = 'PAGE_FILTER', array $find_app_file_error) : mixed

Searches for a file in the standard Tina MVC application folders

functionget_abs_controller_link(string $controller = '', string $link_text = FALSE, string $extra_attribs = '') : string

Makes an HTML link a Tina MVC controller.

functionget_controller_link(string $controller = '', string $link_text = FALSE, string $extra_attribs = '') : string

Gets a HTML link a Tina MVC controller

functionget_controller_url(string $controller = '', boolean $absolute_controller_path = false) : string

Gets a url to a Tina MVC controller

functionget_get(string $var = NULL) : mixed

Gets a value from $_GET

functionget_getpost(string $var) : mixed

Gets a value from $_GET and if not set look in $_POST

functionget_mailer_from_address() : string

Gets an email address for use by the Tina MVC mailer function.

functionget_multisite_blog_name() : \TINA_MVC\strng

Gets the blog name in a Wordpress Multisite installation

functionget_post(string $var = NULL) : mixed

Gets a value from $_POST

functionget_tina_mvc_folder_url() : string

Gets the url to the Tina MVC plugin folder

functionget_tina_mvc_setting(string $option_name = '') : mixed

Gets a Tina MVC setting

functionhelpers_folder() : string

Returns the path to the tina_mvc/helpers folder

functioninclude_helper(string $h = '') : object

Locates and loads a helper.

functionlog(string $msg = '') : void

Display a message as a PHP E_USER_NOTICE Error

functionplugin_folder() : string

Returns the path to the main Tina MVC plugin folder

functionpr(mixed $a = NULL, string $l = 'Variable Dump') : string

Alias to tina_mvc_print_r()

functionprd(mixed $a = NULL, string $l = 'Variable Dump') : string

Alias to tina_mvc_print_r() and die();

functiontina_mvc_folder() : string

Returns the path to the tina_mvc folder

functiontina_mvc_print_r(mixed $arg = NULL, string $label = 'Variable Dump') : string

Wrapper for print_r()

functionuser_has_capability(array | string $cap_to_check = array()) : \TINA_MVC\bolean

Check if a user has been assigned a capability

functionuser_has_role(array | string $roles_to_check = array()) : \TINA_MVC\bolean

Check if a user has been assigned to a role

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